Nordlandsbanken (Avisa Nordland)
Storgata 38, Bodø
Biong, klar for bruk. Bygningen ble utvidet i 1975, og bankvirksomheten fortsatte i lokalene til i 2000. I dag holder Avisa Nordland med sin virksomhet til i bygningen.
Sparebanken og Nordlandsbanken ligger i Storgata, på hvert sitt hjørne i krysset med Rådhusgata. I samsvar med denne viktige beliggenheten ble de i gjenreisingens reguleringsplan fra 1943 trukket litt tilbake fra gateløpet. Det ble slik en plassdannelse i krysset, noe som framhever de to bygningene i forhold til omgivelsene.
Nordlandsbankens bygning er stram i utformingen og den symmetriske hovedfasaden gir en forsiktig monumentalitet. Materialbruken, med marmor i den høye sokkelen, gir bygningen et fornemt preg. Fasaden forøvrig er gulpusset med innskrevet rutemønster. Det flate taket avslutter bygningen.
Sparebanken og Nordlandsbanken ligger i Storgata, på hvert sitt hjørne i krysset med Rådhusgata. I samsvar med denne viktige beliggenheten ble de i gjenreisingens reguleringsplan fra 1943 trukket litt tilbake fra gateløpet. Det ble slik en plassdannelse i krysset, noe som framhever de to bygningene i forhold til omgivelsene.
Nordlandsbankens bygning er stram i utformingen og den symmetriske hovedfasaden gir en forsiktig monumentalitet. Materialbruken, med marmor i den høye sokkelen, gir bygningen et fornemt preg. Fasaden forøvrig er gulpusset med innskrevet rutemønster. Det flate taket avslutter bygningen.
The bank Nordland Privatbank started its enterprise in Bodø in 1883. In 1953 the bank merged with three other banks, forming the bank Nordlandsbanken. The bank's previous building was destroyed by fire during the bombing of Bodø in 1940, and in 1951 the new building stood completed at the street address Storgata 38, designed by the Oslo architects Biong &
Biong. In 1975 the building was expanded, and the bank operated on these grounds until 2000. Today the newspaper Avisa Nordland runs its business in this building.
The buildings for the banks Sparebanken and Nordlandsbanken are situated along the street Storgata, on each side of the corner at the intersection with the street Rådhusgata. In conjunction with this important site, the reconstruction regulation plan from 1943 slightly withdrew the buildings from the roadway. Therefore a square was formed at the intersection, something that emphasises the two buildings in relation to their surroundings.
The building constructed for Nordlandsbanken is strictly designed with a symmetric main façade, providing a conservative monumentality. A select use of material, such as the marble on the tall pedestal, bestows the building with a distinguished quality. Elsewhere the façade is yellow plastered with an inscribed chequer-work pattern. A flat roof terminates the building.
The buildings for the banks Sparebanken and Nordlandsbanken are situated along the street Storgata, on each side of the corner at the intersection with the street Rådhusgata. In conjunction with this important site, the reconstruction regulation plan from 1943 slightly withdrew the buildings from the roadway. Therefore a square was formed at the intersection, something that emphasises the two buildings in relation to their surroundings.
The building constructed for Nordlandsbanken is strictly designed with a symmetric main façade, providing a conservative monumentality. A select use of material, such as the marble on the tall pedestal, bestows the building with a distinguished quality. Elsewhere the façade is yellow plastered with an inscribed chequer-work pattern. A flat roof terminates the building.
Year of construction
1951, expanded in 1975
Biong &
Biong Arkitektfirma A/S
Nordland Privatbank
Building Type
Construction System / Materials
flat roof
Jakhelln, Gisle (and others) (ed.): -byen vårres, vandringer i Bodø, Bodø 2004.