Welcome to The Architecture Guide for Northern Norway and Svalbard
About the Contents
The Architecture Guide contains information about buildings and landscape works located in the Norwegian counties Nordland, Troms, Finnmark and on Svalbard. Architecture in these regions has been created since the Middle Ages until present-day. However, this project documents buildings that are currently standing today. The various buildings in this guide represent a long span of time, yet naturally the number of recent buildings outnumbers the older ones. An object in the Architecture Guide can be a single building, or an environment comprising a number of buildings. Tromsdalen church is an example of a single building, while Sjøgata in Mosjøen is an example of an environment.
Are you are planning a study tour in Northern Norway, performing research for a paper on architecture, or are you very interested in finding information about, or photographs of a specific building? A search in the Architecture Guide can provide you with the information you need. If you desire additional information, here you will find literary references for each object.
The objects are mapped out so that you can easily locate the buildings you are interested in. Nevertheless, many of the buildings are privately owned and we request that private properties and the right to privacy be respected!
The ultimate goal of The Architecture Guide for Northern Norway and Svalbard is to increase knowledge and interest in architecture, which is situated in the surrounding area of the north. The contents of this guide are frequently updated and expanded upon. The current aim is to document roughly 800 objects, with as many as 5,000 photographs. In the future, the guide will be supplemented with the most recent objects.
Use of the material
Use of the photographs in low resolution is allowed for private use and for educational purposes. Out of consideration, please report mistakes regarding the objects and direct feedback to the academic responsibility (see contact information).
Who is behind this project?
The Architecture Guide for Northern Norway was created by UiT - The Arctic University of Norway in collaboration with The Norwegian National Association of Architects/Northern Norway's Architecture Association (Norske Arkitekters Landsforbund/Nord-Norges Arkitektforening) and with support from The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (Nasjonal museet for kunst, arkitetktur og design/Arkitekturmuseet), Culture Net Norway (Kulturnett Norge) and The Norwegian State Housing Bank (Husbanken).
The committee for this project includes:
Ingebjørg Hage, Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (chairman)
Mariann Løkse, The University Library (vice chairman)
Sara N. Lund, Northern Norway's Architecture Association (Nord-Norges Arkitektforening)
Marion Carstensen Olsen (from autumn 2017)
Financial Support
The following have provided financial contributions for this project:
Andreas Johansen
Statistical Information
Arkitekturguide for Nord-Norge og Svalbard shares 2834 images and 594 items in 73 municipalities.