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This residential area, which consists of terraced houses, a row of houses and low-rise buildings, is situated on a plateau at the top of the island on Tromsø, in Elverhøy. The area was developed as an entity at the beginning of the 1960s and was one of the first examples of compact maisonette housing construction on the island. The colourful two-storey maisonettes with gently-sloping roofs have a wealth of garden area around them. A sunny aspect and spacious and varied outdoor spaces make the area attractive, in addition to the houses themselves.

The row of houses is positioned north-south on the site, and consists of two housing terraces, each consisting of six residential units. The houses, all in a row, have entrances with a small front garden to the west and a garden to the east. The individual dwellings are two-storey, with a full-size cellar underneath. Between the houses there is a one-storey unit comprising the entrance section, garage and storage room. These buildings in-between have flat roofs, all of which are used as roof terraces.

The individual units are displaced in relation to one another, and sections of the facade towards the street are squeezed in to create an effect of light and shade between the different sizes of building. The entrance section is situated in a covered nook between the dwelling and the garage. This nook was originally an open but sheltered alley-way to the more private side of the garden, but most of the owners have installed a door at each end, and in this way extended the area of the house. The ground floor comprises three bedrooms and a bathroom
on the upper floor there is a kitchen and living-room with access to the roof terrace, which is approx. 35 m². The house size corresponds to the Husbanken requirement of circa 1960, that the living area should not exceed 100 m².

Year of construction



Gunnar Bøgeberg Haugen


Boligselskapet Anna Eides veg 1-11 og Anna Eides vei 13-23 AS

Building Type

A row of houses

Construction System / Materials

Wooden houses with roofing felt. Prefabricated sections from Lyngen Fabrikker.

Prizes / Recognition

Troms Fortidsminneforenings vernepris 1999


row of houses
shed roof
prefabricated sections


Anna Eides vei - kjedehus
Anna Eides vei - kjedehus
Anna Eides vei - kjedehus
Anna Eides vei - kjedehus
Anna Eides vei - kjedehus