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Hvalrossveien 22, 25 og 27, 9600 Hammerfest
This complex is situated in Fuglenesdalen, roughly 100 metres above the sea, on a terrain ridge with sparse vegetation, strong winds and excessive snowfall. It is very seldom that the snow lays still
instead large snowdrifts are formed alongside the buildings. These acclimatised residencies have low-rising cornices and a roof form that reduces climatic impact. This "drop form" with a low and sealed backside prevents any major accumulation of snow around and in towards the wall. A conscious positioning of entrances and garage openings ensures the obstruction of snow, something which otherwise could have posed a problem.

The Norwegian State Housing Bank (Husbanken) in Hammerfest took the initiative to develop the acclimatised requirements in this small housing estate. In order to illustrate good examples they built some of the residencies, but here they have had few followers.

Year of construction



Eilif Bjørge and Anne Brit Børve, sivilarkitekter MNAL


The Norwegian State Housing Bank (Husbanken), Hammerfest branch

Building Type

Detached houses

Construction System / Materials

timber frame


climate adaptaion
timber frame


Byggekunst 4/1989, pp. 256-259.
Martens, Johan-Ditlef: Århundrets norske boligprosjekter 1900-2000. Oslo 1999/2000, pp. 288-289


Klimatilpassa boliger i Fuglenesdalen
Klimatilpassa boliger i Fuglenesdalen
Klimatilpassa boliger i Fuglenesdalen
Klimatilpassa boliger i Fuglenesdalen
Klimatilpassa boliger i Fuglenesdalen