Reisænengården (The Reisænen Farm)
Vestre Jakobselv
The Reisænen farm was built during the middle of the 19th century by Finnish immigrants, who are often referred to as "kvener" in Norway. This site is located in Finneset, on the outskirts of Vestre Jakobselv, west of Vadsø. Finneset is a part of the landscape on the north side of the Varangerfjord, which is a magnificent and open landscape that is partially terraced. It is characterised by the gently undulating wilderness in the background, the large open plains that gradually slope downwards towards the fjord. In addition it is distinguished by the fjord's straight front, which does not have any large peninsulas or coves. For the most part the landscape is treeless. Only in protected areas will one find short-growing birch trees and willows. The buildings are gathered into villages along the fjord.
The Reisænen farm, is situated by the Varangerfjord, on the outskirts of the village Vestre-Jakobselv, in a cultural landscape that is varied and rich with old cultural monuments. Here one will find house ruins, old Sámi graves and a "tingplass" (old meeting place). Two main features that characterise this cultural landscape are the green fields that slope downwards towards the fjord, and the long stone fences that divide the fields. These stone fences are living memories of those who cleared the land, and their toils to cultivate the land. Residents on this farm were dependent on both the sea and agriculture. Potato fields are situated near the cottage, while located below in the intertidal zone, is a boathouse and a boat landing that is cleared of stones.
The Reisænen farm, is situated by the Varangerfjord, on the outskirts of the village Vestre-Jakobselv, in a cultural landscape that is varied and rich with old cultural monuments. Here one will find house ruins, old Sámi graves and a "tingplass" (old meeting place). Two main features that characterise this cultural landscape are the green fields that slope downwards towards the fjord, and the long stone fences that divide the fields. These stone fences are living memories of those who cleared the land, and their toils to cultivate the land. Residents on this farm were dependent on both the sea and agriculture. Potato fields are situated near the cottage, while located below in the intertidal zone, is a boathouse and a boat landing that is cleared of stones.
Year of construction
19th and 20th century
Building Type
Farm site
Construction System / Materials
cogging joint method
multifunctional house
cog joint construction
Hage, Ingebjørg: "Freda anlegg i Nord-Norge," in Årbok for Foreningen til norske Fortidsminnesmerkers Bevaring 1989 pp. 111-140.