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Simavåg, Kågen
The hamlet Simavåg is situated by a sheltered west-facing bay and consists of three farms, all with buildings from the post second world war reconstruction era. The main buildings are three white farmhouses, three red barns and three red boathouses. The buildings look quite alike with many of the characteristics of the era and they are placed more or less on a line parallel with the shore and the road that ends by the northernmost farm. The now unused farmland is gradually getting overgrown.

Other buildings not mentioned above are two small houses used as servants' quarters, a summer cattle barn and an outhouse. Two of the white farmhouses were built for single family occupation whilst the third, for two families, is sectioned vertically in the middle. In spite of looking much alike the farmhouses also have many variations around the same themes. There is one particular point of agreement among the owners and that is that the houses should be white but with room for other colours on the detailing. All the houses used to have a garden surrounded by white paling, but there are now just segments left of that since there is no longer need to keep out grazing animals. Just one of the houses is now in year round occupation, the other two have become holiday homes.

The small white houses on the two northern farms were the first houses to be built after the war. They are now called "bårstue" (servants'quarters in English) and they were used by farmworkers and guests. All the buildings were erected during the period 1946-1951.

Year of construction


Building Type

summer cattle barn

Construction System / Materials

Wood, masonry, slate