Viken gård (Viken Farm)
Setermoen, 9365 Bardu
Viken Farm is situated on the western side of the River Bardu, six kilometres up the valley from the municipal centre of Setermoen. The old farm buildings are situated on a river headland, surrounded by most of the infields. On the infields, approximately one hundred metres from the old farm courtyard, is sited the newly-built Viken Centre for Psychiatry and Spiritual Care.
The farm was inhabited and built from 1795 onwards, but the construction from this first period no longer exists. Today’s buildings, which are situated in a large, open square courtyard, consist of a farmhouse, large cowshed with a barn, storehouse, food storage area, carpentry workshop and smithy. The stall section in the cowshed probably dates from the 1830s, and the rest of the building from the 1880s
The farm was inhabited and built from 1795 onwards, but the construction from this first period no longer exists. Today’s buildings, which are situated in a large, open square courtyard, consist of a farmhouse, large cowshed with a barn, storehouse, food storage area, carpentry workshop and smithy. The stall section in the cowshed probably dates from the 1830s, and the rest of the building from the 1880s
the remainder of the buildings date from the turn of the nineteenth/twentieth centuries or after. This photograph shows the storehouse, dating from 1905 and situated closest to the river. The farmhouse and smithy are visible behind, with the carpentry workshop in the background.
Year of construction
Torleif Viken
Building Type
Farm site
Construction System / Materials
timbering, notched log construction, half-timbering
Prizes / Recognition
Troms fylkes kulturvernpris 2000
cog joint construction
square courtyard
food storage house
Hegstad, Sveinulf: “Gårdene Viken og Strømsør i Bardu, to faser av dølainnvandringa”, in Fortidsvern 3/1997, pp. 14-15.