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Stakkevollveien 25 A, Tromsø
Stakkevollveien 25 A (street address) is located approximately 1.5 kilometres north of the Tromsø town centre. It is surrounded by an industrial area, characterised by large buildings and use of rough materials. This area experienced significant growth during the last half of the 20th century. Stakkevollveien 25 A is a reconstructed and partial annexation of an industrial building. It was constructed in order to hold the Municipal Building Administration of Tromsø. In 2005, this organisation moved into the new town hall.

The original large rectangular building is situation in a north-south direction, the long side of the building faces the Tromsø Sound. A new office wing, situated in a straight angle was added, it is situated transversely through the northern part of the original building. The new office wing faces the street Stakkevollveien. Here a small baldachin marks the entrance to the building. The office wing is a two-storied rectangular block with a flat roof - the north and south facing façades are clad with glass, the end wall facing Stakkevollveien is made of raw concrete. This wing is partially supported by slender concrete columns. A glass enclosed bridge leads over to the older building.

The complex was envisioned as a link in an attempt to convert and redefine the area along the street Stakkevollveien, which runs from the town centre in the south, to the university and the new harbour in the north. This area is characterised by older industrial premises. Architects, together with developers, formulated a regulation plan that provides space for both the business community and residencies. For the time being Stakkevollveien 25 A is one of the few buildings that is constructed in regard to this plan.

Year of construction



Blå arkitektur landskap


Tromsø Industrial Building Ltd.

Building Type


Construction System / Materials





Almaas, Ingerid Helsing: Norway, a Guide to Recent Architecture, London 2002


Stakkevollveien 25 A, Tromsø
Stakkevollveien 25 A, Tromsø
Stakkevollveien 25 A, Tromsø
Stakkevollveien 25 A, Tromsø
Stakkevollveien 25 A, Tromsø