Storjord – hotellet og skogvoktergården (Storjord - the hotel and the forest wardens residence)
Storjord, 8255 Røkland
Surrounded by birch and pine forests Storjord Hotel and neighbouring Storjord forest warden's residence are situated near the riverbank where the rivers Junkerdalselva and Saltelva meet. The privately owned hotel was purposed built, and has after many years of closure been renovated and now receives guests during the summer season. The state-owned forest warden's residence is situated closest to the rivers and is now let for meetings and year-round self-catering holiday accommodation.
The local authority has designated parts of Storjord as an area for recreation to maintain its cultural and natural character. A network of paths, picnic areas, bonfire places and information posters has been laid out using the principles of inclusive design to secure access for the general public of whatever level of mobility or ability.
The local authority has designated parts of Storjord as an area for recreation to maintain its cultural and natural character. A network of paths, picnic areas, bonfire places and information posters has been laid out using the principles of inclusive design to secure access for the general public of whatever level of mobility or ability.
Year of construction
Anna and Ingvald Storjord (the hotel), Skogvesenet now Statskog SF - the Norwegian state-owned land and forest enterprise (the wardens residence)
Building Type
Farmstead, hotel, house, residence
Construction System / Materials
log building, wood, slate