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The Norwegian Army's new training centre at Setermoen in Troms was planned and gradually built during the first decade of the 21st century. So far 40,000m2 have been completed. The centre consists of six multifunctional halls plus teaching and administrative facilities. The buildings are organized along a pedestrian axis, which ends at the brigade's central mess. Externally the buildings all have grey aluzink cladding except for the taller service wings that have red horizontal wooden cladding. The training centre is surrounded by tall pine trees that both provide shelter and contribute to the area's visual identity.

Year of construction

multifunctional halls phase 1-3 (2006-2009), administrative and teaching facilities (LUB) (2006-2009), administrative building 2 (2007-2009)


Borealis Arkitekter as


The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency

Building Type

Educational building
training centre

Construction System / Materials

Steel structural system, load-bearing concrete, aluzink sheet cladding, wooden cladding

Prizes / Recognition

The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency`s prize for architecture 2009


Educational building
multifunctional hall
military base


Utdanningssenter ved Setermoen leir
Utdanningssenter ved Setermoen leir
Utdanningssenter ved Setermoen leir
Utdanningssenter ved Setermoen leir
Utdanningssenter ved Setermoen leir