Finnsnes kirke (Finnsnes Church)
9300 Finnsnes
Finnsnes Church is situated on an elevation in the centre of Finnsnes, right by Finnsnesvannet (Finnsnes Lake). The site is in a nice location in a park, with footpaths and benches and a view over the centre of town and the lake. The building is shaped in a modern style, with a slightly slanted gable roof and staggered walls constructed partly of concrete and partly of brick, but other sections are timber-clad. The result is a good mixture that gives life to the building.
Finnsnes Church is a typical church community centre, with space for the church itself, a parish hall, youth club premises, nursery, office and kitchen. The church area takes up the main volume of the building and has a roughly square platform where the axis of movement proceeds diagonally through the room, from corner to corner. Administrative functions are positioned in their own north-facing wing. This wing has a rectangular ground plan and a flat roof.
The architect Nils Toft was extremely active in Northern Norway during the 1970s and was behind several churches of a characteristic shape.
Finnsnes Church is a typical church community centre, with space for the church itself, a parish hall, youth club premises, nursery, office and kitchen. The church area takes up the main volume of the building and has a roughly square platform where the axis of movement proceeds diagonally through the room, from corner to corner. Administrative functions are positioned in their own north-facing wing. This wing has a rectangular ground plan and a flat roof.
The architect Nils Toft was extremely active in Northern Norway during the 1970s and was behind several churches of a characteristic shape.
Year of construction
Nils Toft
A3 Arkitektkontor a/s
Finnsnes menighet (Finnsnes parish)
Building Type
assembly house
community centre
Construction System / Materials
Hanssen, Arvid: Lenvik hovedkirke 100 år, Finnsnes 1979