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Storgata 3, Bodø
The building is situated along the streets Storgata and Professor Schyttes gate centrally in the Bodø town centre. The hotel's history dates all the way back to 1850, when Peter Hegbom built an inn here. In 1939 a new wing was erected along the street Professor Schyttes gate. When Bodø was bombed in 1940 the hotel was also damaged. The new wing could be repaired, while the old section was a total loss. Already by the autumn of 1940, the architects Blakstad (1893-1985) and Munthe-Kaas (1890-1977) started formulating plans for the reconstruction of the hotel. The new hotel was completed in 1948.

Along the street Storgata the wing is situated at a slightly higher level than it was in 1939. The entrance was positioned on the street Professor Schyttes gate at the intersection between the old and the new wing. The façade of the entrance is clad with marble from Fauske, all the way from the pedestal to the cornice. The wing from 1939 has only undergone minor alterations. However what had once been a flat roof was replaced with a reconstructed hipped roof, so that it was in harmony with the rest of the building. Elsewhere the façades are roughly plastered and red painted, with a marble pedestal.

Year of construction

1939 and 1947, annexed in 1999


Gudolf Blakstad and Herman Munthe-Kaas Arkitektkontor AS


Grand Hotel

Building Type


Construction System / Materials



hipped roof


Byggekunst 2/1949, pp. 17-25.

Jakhelln, Gisle (and others) (ed.): -byen vårres, vandringer i Bodø, Bodø 2004.


Grand hotell
Grand hotell
Grand hotell