Rv 17, Hellåga rasteplass (Rv 17, Hellåga stopping-place)
Flostrand, 8725 Utskarpen
Hellåga stopping-place is part of the national coastal highway in Northern Helgeland, situated on the northern side of the Sjona Fjord – with a magnificent view towards the islands in the west.
The stopping-place itself, comprising a parking area, toilet block, information board, rubbish containers and tables with benches, is situated on a large terrace over the coastal rocks and the fjord. The entrance and exit, parking area and toilets are situated at the rear edge of the terrace, whilst a well-defined dark gravel area with seating areas is situated towards the view and the sea. Two means of access have been established to the rocks and the sea below – one is gentle, following the terrain diagonally, while the other is steep and dramatic, taking the most direct and shortest route to the sea.
Below the terrace the nature experience dominates, with steps linking the two areas together and seating opportunities spread out over the rocks.
The stopping-place itself, comprising a parking area, toilet block, information board, rubbish containers and tables with benches, is situated on a large terrace over the coastal rocks and the fjord. The entrance and exit, parking area and toilets are situated at the rear edge of the terrace, whilst a well-defined dark gravel area with seating areas is situated towards the view and the sea. Two means of access have been established to the rocks and the sea below – one is gentle, following the terrain diagonally, while the other is steep and dramatic, taking the most direct and shortest route to the sea.
Below the terrace the nature experience dominates, with steps linking the two areas together and seating opportunities spread out over the rocks.
Year of construction
Landscaping work: Inge Dahlman landskapsarkitekt mnla, Landskapsfabrikkenv. Amund Johne. The building: Nordplan AS
Construction work: Nordplan AS
Statens vegvesen, Turistvegprosjektet (State Highways Department, Tourist Route Project)
Building Type
Stopping-place for motorists
toilet block
Construction System / Materials
Stone, gravel, concrete, asphalt, steel, glass
rest area
toilet block
steel glass
Dahlman, Inge, Landskapsfabrikken: Helgeland Nord, Rasteplass Hellåga”, pp. 16-18, Byggekunst 8, 2006