"Universitetet i Tromsø, Humanioraparsellen" (3 of 8)
Østgaard A/S. Bygningsmassen er organisert i to fløyer som er lagt rundt hvert sitt indre gårdsrom - den søndre delen disponeres i dag av Humfak. og den nordre av Svfak. De to delene har en felles sentralhall. Utvendig er bygningene kledd med elokserte aluminiumsplater og teglforblending.
The Faculty of Humanities- and the Faculty of Social Sciences buildings were opened in 1983, and were designed by Arkitektkontoret Dalsbøe &
Østgaard. This structure is organised into two wings. Each wing is situated around its own courtyard. The southern section of the wing is occupied by The Faculty of Humanities, while the northern section is occupied by Faculty of Social Sciences. These two wings share a centrally located common hall. The exterior of the complex is clad with anodised sheets of aluminium and brick.